Orangutans Urmston Day Nursery | News


Posted by Orangutans in Latest News


Orangutans understands the importance of brushing teeth at an early age.  From 1st September 2015 a tooth brushing programme will be introduced for all babies, toddlers and preschool children.  The programme will be organised in a safe and effective way. Staff will be given a detailed…

Posted by Orangutans in Latest News

AED (Automated external defibrillator)

Did you know 270 Children die every year in School through Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)?  You can help cut that death toll today…  We’re raising money to provide a life saving Defibrillator for Orangutans Day Care Nursery to ensure Safety for Children, Staff and Visitors in the unfortunate…

Posted by Admin in Latest News, Uncategorised

Ofsted Report

We  had our Ofsted inspection last year and we are pleased to announce the we were graded ‘GOOD’. Our reasons for not achieving outstanding were only ‘2’. Those are outlined in the report but in short are: Because we had not introduced continuous snack provision…