Orangutans Urmston Day Nursery | News


Posted by Orangutans in Education, Latest News

Baseline Assessments

In preparation for our children leaving us to attend school we carry out some baseline assessments.  Children starting in reception class will usually have an on-entry assessment as a starting point for school.  Our baseline assessment is in line with those on-entry assessments.  We believe…

Posted by Orangutans in Latest News, News letters

Staff updates

Leah Walsh is our new apprentice and will be working alongside Katrina in the baby room.  Please welcome her to our nursery. Katrina will continue to work with our babies 0-18 months.  Katrina has almost completed her Level 3 qualification (she is currently Level 2…

Posted by Orangutans in Uncategorised

Opening times reminder

Orangutans Day Care Nursery is insured from 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday to care for your children.  Over the last few weeks parents have been arriving at nursery before 7am. The practitioners arrive early to the nursery to start the day by carrying out…

Posted by Orangutans in Uncategorised


Recently it has been brought to our attention that parents of the nursery are not using car seats whilst on our premises. One of the most important jobs you have as a parent is keeping your child safe when riding in a vehicle. Each year…

Posted by Orangutans in Education, Latest News, News letters


Dear Parents We are in the process of introducing a new online system for children’s learning journeys and daily diaries.  Information has been sent to parents on e-mail and letters will also be given in hard copy form.  Attached to this post is the information…

Posted by Orangutans in Latest News, Uncategorised

Staff update

Gemma Furniss from our preschool room has unfortunately been signed off work sick for a second month.  She has since resigned, giving a months notice, from her position at Orangutans Day Care Nursery.  She will remain off sick for the duration of her notice period.  We wish her well…