Posted by Admin in Education
Communication is a vital skill that all children need to learn. Over one million children in the UK have some kind of speech language and communication needs. This is known as SLCN for short. Every child is different. Their needs depend on different factors, including:…
Posted by Admin in Education
Learning and Development in the next two months Babies, Toddlers and Preschool All of our age groups will be celebrating Spring which starts on 20th March. We will also be looking forward to Easter and our activities will be centred around these two events. This…
Posted by Admin in Education, Latest News
Babies & Toddlers. Babies and Toddlers will be celebrating Valentine’s day and incorporating this with topics about ‘Love’ and ‘Family’. Preschool Preschoolers will be looking at ‘animals from around the world and where they live’. They will also be junk modelling and exploring materials Our…
Posted by Admin in Education, Latest News
Knowing what to expect as your child grows can reassure you that your child is on track with his peers or alert you to potential concerns. Below are some developmental milestones to watch for during the preschool years. Since birth, you’ve watched your child grow…
Posted by Admin in Education
Bonjour ! My name is Aurélie and I am now teaching French to the children at Orangutans Day Care Nursery. I have been working in several primary schools for five years now. It is never too early to learn another language. At a young age,…
Posted by Orangutans in Education, Latest News
In preparation for our children leaving us to attend school we carry out some baseline assessments. Children starting in reception class will usually have an on-entry assessment as a starting point for school. Our baseline assessment is in line with those on-entry assessments. We believe…
Posted by Orangutans in Education, Latest News, News letters
We are looking for a new apprentice nursery nurse, you must have GCSE English and Maths A-C, be well mannered, presentable, have a passion for caring for children and be able to show flexibility. If you think this is you then please get in touch…
Posted by Orangutans in Education, Latest News, News letters
3 & 4 year old funding application Above is the link for the 3 & 4 year old funding application for Trafford Council
Posted by Orangutans in Education, Latest News, News letters
Dear Parents We are in the process of introducing a new online system for children’s learning journeys and daily diaries. Information has been sent to parents on e-mail and letters will also be given in hard copy form. Attached to this post is the information…
Posted by Orangutans in Education, Latest News, News letters
As we are approaching our transition from paper based observations, assessments and planning to our new online EyLog, we have decided a better approach to our key worker system. The key workers are as follows: Babies (0-18 months) – Key workers jointly are Katrina and Jessica…